7 Popular Myths About Website Creation and Advertising

Myths and misconceptions about creating and advertising a website


Many private entrepreneurs (PE) in Ukraine have their own website or are thinking about creating one. This article is just for you, dear workers! Now we will look at 7 main stereotypical points, as well as myths about website creation, promotion in organic search and advertising in Google Ads.

Popular myths, mistakes and misconceptions in Internet marketing

1. Made a website and the money started "flowing like a river"

Many people who are just starting to create a website think that after the launch of the site, orders will start flowing to them! This, of course, is not true. After the launch of the site, you need to create and launch PPC advertising campaigns (with per-click payment) and start SEO optimization and promotion of the site in free search. Therefore, when starting to create a site, you do not need to create an unimaginably cool site without having a budget for further expenses in advertising campaigns. Before starting work, we recommend conducting strategic planning with a specialist.

2. A cheap site is enough to work in a competitive topic

Where competition is not high, you can start by creating a not very informative, simple and non-functional site. But in highly competitive businesses, such as sites selling metal-plastic windows, this will not work. You will need to create a complex window calculator functionality, as well as an enticing design and a site that responds to all user intents (requests and questions). Otherwise, you will spend many times more on advertising.

3. With a small advertising budget, I expect a large profit

There are clients who want to allocate up to $100 for advertising, while expecting profits of over $1,000. But at the moment, there are no topics where such a ratio is possible. The minimum order value will be about 15% of the profit, i.e. if you want to get $1,000, you will have to spend $150 on advertising. It is worth saying that if you want to increase advertising and receive more than 50% of all traffic in the topic, the order value will be from 20% of the profit.

4. I will save money if I do SEO optimization and promotion myself

Many clients think that a three-month course on SEO optimization is enough to start doing optimization and promotion on their own. In practice, you will spend money on useless courses, then spend a lot of time trying to optimize the site, and then, if the site does not fall under the sanctions of the search engine, you will still turn to professionals who will do this work. Believe me: website promotion is a more complex service than a major overhaul of the engine or gearbox in a car.

5. I will save if I order one-time services for creating and setting up Google Ads

Many people have the mistaken impression that having ordered the creation and support of campaigns in a Google Ads account for 3 months, there is no point in doing anything further. This is far from true. The cost of support will usually cost up to 15% of the budget expenditure in Ads. But the cost of saving with such support will usually be higher than 20%. Therefore, you benefit from 5%. Support for an account in Google Ads is not needed only if the competition in your business does not change, there is no seasonality, there are no promotions, the assortment does not change. We do not know such a topic, and you?)

6. I will save money if I upload content to the site myself

Many beginning businessmen think that they can save money if they upload content (text, photos, videos) to the site themselves. This statement will be true only if you do not promote and do not plan SEO promotion in search engines, but rely only on Google Ads advertising. Otherwise, you will spend time adding content, then spend money on the services of SEO managers to correct it. Moreover, there is a high probability that when copying content, you will add external links to other sites or add non-unique content (description) from another site, for which you will receive a penalty from Google in the form of a decrease in the site's position. In any case, it makes sense to turn to a freelancer with the task of site support and content:

  • When uploading simple content, the cost of the content specialist's services will be significantly cheaper than your time spent.
  • When uploading complex content, the cost will also be lower, and the quality will be significantly higher compared to your performance.

7. I advertise in Google Ads and do not need any other advertising channels

Google Ads is the main source of targeted traffic to the site for most topics on the sale of goods and services: it brings in 40% of all orders. But without using other advertising channels, you will lose potential customers and orders. Moreover, in other channels, the cost of an order may be lower than in PPC contextual advertising, and the customer trust rating is higher.

We are talking about such advertising sources:

  • Website promotion in free organic search.
  • Creating and setting up a campaign account in Google My Business.
  • Creating and maintaining a YouTube, Tik-tok channel.
  • SMM - maintaining social networks: Facebook, Instagram and others.
  • Placing a website on price aggregator websites (Hotline, E-katalog, Price.ua and others) and trading platforms OLX, Rozetka, etc.

To summarize, I would like to say that making the wrong decision at the beginning of building your business in most cases leads to its closure and losses. Therefore, we wish you to find real experts in their field, who like what they do, who know and can do it. And if you have found such, then be sure to listen to their advice and recommendations. After all, they, just like you, are interested in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation!

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